July 13, 2011

Discovery: Chad Hagen, graphic designer

Ah, another discovery:

I found him here, which is probably my newest most favorite site: La Boite Verte (which has got so much amazing imagery and other content. Makes me wish I had time for a tumblr). I also dug around for his own personal website.  And his flickr. All I can tell about him is that he's living in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

All of his work has that subtle minimalist that I just lust after in my own work. It's all very definite, diverse, and concise, as his work tend to be religiously geometric and clear-cut. It is definitely modern, but still has strong (under?)tones of archetypal 60's design, as well as even more vintage visual aspects: there's just a hint of nostalgia there. His work really encapsulates the way I think and feel, and so maybe that's another reason why I like it so much; it's just resonates so much in me.

It's funny, I've been seeing his work floating all around the internet for years now, and it's only today that I finally found out about him; this source of ubiquitous graphic genius. Honestly, it's his work that is really turning my eyes to graphic design as a career possibility. I've got half-a-mind to switch majors soon, and if not that, at least seriously consider pursuing it for grad school.

More of his work found from his website after the jump:

1 comment:

  1. Wow. His style is so cool. It's geometric personality. Or something. I don't know. I need to learn more art words so I know how to explain what I like about it :)
    Also, I like the "movies" addition to the sidebar. Win.
