-My deep affinity for cheeseburgers. The greasier the better.
-I also have a shameful addiction to Bravo TV reality shows. I’m not even sure if my
pretension about liking Truffaut can save me from this, but yes.
-I sometimes still wear flip-flops to places other than the beach or gym showers. Whatever, at least they're not mandals.
-I absolutely love ramen. The most stereotypically college bachelor type of food to eat. Well guess what haters? I am in college, and I am a bachelor. This food was pretty much designed for me.
-While living at home, I liked having burping contests with my 8 year old brother. I did this, of course, in between session of Debussy piano practicing and looking at the latest Dior collection.
-A final thing that makes me unclassy? My love for dirty rap music, electro dance music, and Britney Spears (ohmygosh, the song Toxic? I could listen to that all day).
*This list is in no way comprehensive: there is much more that I refrain from saying
ohmygosh, can we have a Britney Spears sing along when I'm back, please? They're probably one of my favorite things to do.